Privacy Policy

Who is responsible for the processing of personal data?

El Grillo y la Luna, S.L., with N.I.F. number B64994270, address at Carretera de Berbegal – A-1226 Km. 2,5 22300 Barbastro (Huesca), telephone +34 974 269 188 and e-mail is responsible for the processing of personal data.

What is the purpose of the personal data processing?

El Grillo y la Luna, S.L.. treats the information you provide in order to answer queries raised through the website, carry out the administrative, fiscal and accounting management of the company, as well as sending commercial information.

The personal data provided will be kept as long as the relationship with the company is maintained, until the interested party requests its deletion or for the years necessary to comply with legal obligations.

Will commercial information be sent?

In certain forms of personal data collection El Grillo y la Luna, S.L. may seek the consent of the owners of the data to send commercial communications of products and / or services related to the company, via email or any other means.

What is the legal basis for using your data?

The legal basis for the processing of personal data is as follows:

The unequivocal consent of the interested party for the processing of their personal data.
Compliance with a legal obligation, based on Royal Decree 1619/2012, of November 30, approving the Regulation regulating invoicing obligations.
To which recipients will the data be communicated?

The data will be transferred to third parties when there is a legal obligation, such as, for example: to banks and savings banks, as well as to the Tax Administration.

The data will be communicated to The Rocket Science Group, LLC, a company providing email marketing services.The Rocket Science Group, LLC is a certified entity under the EU-US Privacy Shield Commission Decision (EU) 2016/1250 of 12 July 2016. For more information you can consult the following link:

What are your rights when you provide your consent?

Those affected, as holders of their data, may exercise before El Grillo y la Luna, S.L., the rights of access, rectification, deletion, opposition and limitation to the processing thereof.

Right of access: The affected party will have the right to be informed about the purposes of the processing, categories of personal data that are processed and possible data communications and their recipients, the period of data retention, the right to request rectification or deletion of data, limitation to the processing, and oppose to it, the right to file a complaint with the Spanish Data Protection Agency, the appropriate guarantees for the realization of international transfers.
Right of rectification: The data subject shall have the right to rectify inaccurate data, and to have incomplete personal data completed, including by means of an additional declaration.
Right to erasure: The data subject may request the erasure of personal data if any of the cases provided for in the regulations apply.
Right to limitation of processing: The data subject shall have the right to request El Grillo y la Luna, S.L. to suspend the processing of his/her data when the accuracy of the data is contested or if he/she has exercised the right to object to the processing, while verifying whether the legitimate reasons of El Grillo y la Luna, S.L. prevail over the data subject. You will also have the right to ask the company to keep the personal data when the processing is lawful but the data subject opposes the deletion of his data and requests instead the limitation of its use or when the company no longer needs those data, but the data subject needs them for the formulation, exercise or defense of claims.
Right of opposition: The affected party may oppose the processing when, for reasons related to his or her personal situation, the processing of such data must cease unless it is proven that there is a legitimate interest, or it is necessary for the exercise or defense of claims.
To exercise these rights, holders may contact El Grillo y la Luna, S.L., with N.I.F. number B64994270, address at Carretera de Berbegal – A-1226 Km. 2,5 22300 Barbastro (Huesca), telephone +34 974 269 188 and e-mail

How have the personal data been obtained?

The personal data processed by the company has been obtained directly from the owner of the data or his legal representative.

The categories of personal data processed are:

Data of an identifying nature,
Postal or electronic addresses,
Commercial information data.

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